Keep away your upholstered furniture from direct sunlight as it is very detrimental to fabrics. It will deface your upholstery as well as gradually become etiolated specially for silks and some other delicate fabrics. User should plan room arrangement so that it is protected from sunlight. Any chemical contact with the furniture should also be avoided as it may affect natural finish and durability of the product.
Avoid direct contact of upholstery with floor/wall which will limit the breathing effect of object and subject to fade away.
Preventive maintenance is the best option when it comes to durability and usability of the product. In upholstery sofa if there is any loose cushions, turn this over periodically to protect wear & tear on the same side. This will ensure evenly distribution of acting load on latex rubber foam and increase durability of cushions by protecting indentation on same area.
Cleaning is an important aspect for upholstery which in most of the house hold did improper cleaning & ultimately deteriorates fabrics. Clean your upholstery once in every week by soft brush at least. If you could do it by vacuum cleaner with a suitable attachment would be a better option. The best option is to do it by a professional upholstered cleaner service as treatment varies as per category of fabrics.
Any kind of spillage on upholstered furniture should be addressed immediately. You can wipe out by soft cotton cloth/soft foam. Do not use water directly on the affected surface. You can rub the surface with shampoo bubble & wait for dry naturally. This will restore natural surface of the upholstery. If you are failed to remove stain on the surface, call a professional upholstered cleaner service.
For loose fitting sofa and cushion it is recommended to use professional dry cleaning.
It is strictly avoided to pull out fabrics by any means. If any kind of snag occurs by external source like hard materials, any kind of sharp edge or by child/domestic pets should be trimmed immediately.
It is strictly prohibited to use bleaching materials for cleaning the surface of fabrics.
Do not use any abrasive disk to remove dirt on surface.
It is instructed to use upholstered furniture within recommended weight limit. It is strictly prohibited to seat on arm to prevent early failure of sofa unless otherwise specified.
Never eat on the couch. Keep pets off the furniture as much as possible and give them a dedicated cushion to seat on.
For any bad odors sprinkle the sofa with bicarbonate of soda and leave it overnight. Finally do vacuum cleaning.
Use heat resistance mat while keeping hot materials on wooden surface.
For any natural crack, spot on wood you can apply sanding using sand paper and clean the surface initially. Reapply lacquer on the wooden surface by spraying.
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